Property Listing Descriptionsin Seconds

Property descriptions that rank in Google

Meta description and title tag for better SEO

Save time and money generating listings with AI

Now that AI can understand images you can save hours of work!

Descriptions that convert in 3 simple steps

Save time and get better results. AI will do the heavy lifting for you.


Upload the listing photos.


Give extra details (optional).


That's it!
See the magic happen 🪄

Write image captions in seconds

Better for SEO and conversions

Create listing animations from an image

Guests and real estate buyers love animations

Simple pricing

Cancel any time

Your questions,

Why did you create a listings description writer?

I run my own property listing business and I know the work and time writing descriptions for our listings on AirBnB, VRBO, Booking, and our own website takes. It's boring but at the same time super important. As I'm a programmer myself as soon as OpenAI revealed that AI was capable of understanding property photos the idea came to my mind and implemented to solve my own problem.

What's the difference with other listing or property description generator tools?

One major and crucial distinction is that this tool writes descriptions based on what it "sees" because it uses the most recent AI technology capable of reading and comprehending images. Is it not amazing? On top the person (me) giving instructions to the AI has the same problems than you and understands your needs.

What are the "Images to Upload" included in each plan?

To generate you listing descriptions you can upload up to 20 images per description, the more images you upload the more accurate the descriptions will be.

What are the "Captions" included in each plan?

If you upload only one photo then, instead of generating the property listing description the AI will generate an image caption, image captions are important for SEO purposes, and search engines can understand better making your website rank higher.

What are the "Animations" included in each plan?

You can upload an image of your property listing and generate a short video clip from it, artificial inteligence image to video is being used to make it happen.

Check out how it works at Image Animation Example

Is payment secure?

Absolutely. We use Stripe, a leading global payment processor, to ensure your transactions are secure. Stripe securely stores your credit card details in compliance with data protection regulations.

How do you handle my data and respect my privacy?

We take your privacy seriously and are committed to keeping your uploads confidential. We assure you that we will not publish any outputs of your account on our homepage or anywhere else without your explicit permission. We follow stringent data management practices to protect your data. For more detailed information on how we handle and protect your data, please check out our Privacy Policy.

Who created Property Descriptions AI?

I, Rodrigo Rocco, a web developer working in the hospitality industry for over 14 years. Since 3 years ago also running my own short term rentals listing business in Mallorca, so I undestand the needs of property managers for their property descriptions and image captions.